Harris Human resources group, INC.
Harris Human Resources Group is your Human Resources Partner
Located in NE Fort Wayne, indiana at 3492 B Stellhorn Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
Our vision
HHRG provides employers an alternative to expensive and/or large HR staffs. Our passion is to help your company become more profitable and offer you more time and strategies to grow your business.
What can Harris Human Resources Group
do for your business?
Harris Human Resources Group will:
- Provide employers of all sizes experienced and professional HR talent!
- Train Adminstrators assigned to HR tasks and duties on HR practices
- Save you time on administrative tasks and duties
- Create training and development programs and systems for your staff's continued growth
- Meet regulatory and compliance requirements while reducing litigation risks
How does Harris Human Resources Group do it?
Harris Human Resources Group always begins with a FREE assessment session. Then we offer a wide range of service options including Project, Hourly, Quarterly and Annual Retention packages all designed specifically to meet your businesses needs. Our services include:
- Recruitment, selection and outplacement administration
- Facilitation of strategic planning and goal-setting sessions
- Implementation of leadership training programs, supervisor training initiatives, safety training and compliance requirements
- Development of job descriptions, job analysis
- Compensation Analysis and Design
- Creation of tools for improved employee relations, morale and organizational behavior
- Initiating labor relations techniques and contract negotiations strategies
- Implementation and training of safety teams and employee involvement teams
- Creation and training of performance evaluation policies and systems
- Design and implement employee policies, procedures, and employee handbooks
Training & Development
Harris Human Resources Group provides numerous training and developments sessions:
- Executive and Management Coaching (Group and Individual Coaching)
- Training to Administrators who are assigned to oversee HR tasks and duties
- Training newly appointed HR staff on strategic HR best-practice techniques
- Leadership Training and Development - Executives, Leadership Teams, Managers and Supervisors.
- HR Academy - ongoing training for HR professionals and those assigned to HR tasks.
Human Resources can be a challenge to even the most experienced Business Owner. Often the person responsible for HR functions including hiring, onboarding, training, discipline, coaching, performance reviews, employee engagement, (to name only a few duties) is an Office Manager, Administrative Assistant, or even the Owner themselves. The consequences of going it alone can not only create headaches, but cost thousands of dollars in llitigation.
Cost of the HR Academy only $3,900.
Recent and upcoming presentations included:
- Huntington County Chamber of Commerce - Leaders Edge - April 12, 2024
- Wells County Leadership Academy - Conflict in Organizations, February 20, 2024
- ActionCOACH 6 Steps Seminar - Building a Business You Can Be Proud of! - For Business Owners or their Representatives - July 25, 2024
- New Haven Chamber of Commerce - May 16, 2024 - Business Coaching - Working "ON" your business.
Need more information? Call 260-416-3404 opt 2.
Completed 2020/2021/2022 presentations held:
- New Haven Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 6/9/2022 at 11:30 - Developing a Winning and Retaining Business Culture! Location: New Haven Allen County Library located at 648 Green St, New Haven, IN
- Wells Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 4/12/2022 at 11:30 - Indentifying your Key Performance Indicators! Location: Wells Chamber of Commerce, 211 Waters St, Bluffton, IN
- Huntington Leaders Edge 5/13/2022 at 7:00 am - KPI's for Employee Development! Location: Huntington, IN
- Angola Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 9/28/2021 - Focus on Sales Success!
- Young Professionals of Steuben 11/18/2021 - Goal Setting for a Lifetime!
- DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Hour Power 8/26/2021 - Time Management!
- Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 6/11/2021 - Identifying Your Key Performance Indicators - Focus on bold achieving behaviors!
- Huntington County Chamber Lunch 'n Learn 5/21/2021 - Time Management Success with a Healthy Work, Life Balance! Location: Faith Community Church 3615 N Norwood Road, Huntington, IN. RSVP at 260-356-5300 by Wednesday, May 19, 2021
- Wells Chamber of Commerce Lunch & Learn 11/19/2020 at 11:30 - Sales Success Strategies! Location: 211 Water St, Bluffton, IN
- Wells Chamber of Commerce Lunch & Learn 10/29/2020 at 11:30 - Team & Employee Development! Location: 211 Water St, Bluffton, IN
- Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 9/30/2020 at 11:30 - Four Steps to a Better Business: Team and Employee Development!
- New Haven Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 9/24/2020 - Survive and Thrive!
- Kosciusko HR Group (Virtual) 9/8/2020 - Survive and Thrive!
- Private Company Virtual Presentation 8/18/2020 - Survive and Thrive!
- DeKalb Chamber of Commerce 7/10/2020 - Survive and Thrive!
- Huntington County Chamber Lunch 'n Learn 6/19/2020 - Survive and Thrive!
- Wells County Leadership Academy 4/8/2020 - Conflict Resolution!
- Wells County Chamber of Commerce (Virtual) 4/3/2020 - Webinar for Every Business Owner to Prepare for the Coronavirus Economy!
- NE Indiana Regional Chamber 3/13/2020 - Conflict Resolution in Organizations!
- Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce Luncheon & Learn 2/27/2020 - Four Steps to a Better Business: Time Management - Gain Control of Your Time, Team and Money!
- Wells County Leadership Academy 2/12/2020 - Coaching 101!Berne Chamber of Commerce Lunch & Learn 1/14/2020 - Time Management!
Need more information? Call 260-416-3404 opt 2.
Our experienced human resources professional team has been serving area businesses for over 25 years.
Tom Harris
Founder & Owner
Business Experience:
- For-profit and not-for-profit business
- Service and manufacturing businesses
- Public and private-sector employers
- Associate Faculty Member at IPFW
- Taught Organizational Behavior and HR Management
- Founder of Life Planners, Inc.
- Author of Live Life Abundantly, "25 Tools and Techniques for Goal Achievement"
- President of Allen County Council representing of 350,000 citizens and responsibilities of over $200 million in Budgets and Special Funds
- MS Psychology
- BS Personnel
- A.S. Supervision
Professional Certifications:
- SHRM-SCP—Senior Professional in Human Resources
- CCP—Certified Compensation Professional
- CBP—Certified Benefis Professional
- GRP—Global Remuneration Professional
- CLRP—Certified Labor Relations Professional
- OSHA—30 Hour Certification
- Hogan Personality/Leadership Assesment Certifications
- Graduate—Center for Creative Leadership - Colorado Springs
- ISO14001 Auditor
- ISO9000 Auditor
What Customers are Saying:
We initially hired Tom to help us grow as a company and strengthen our management team’s leadership skills. Tom helped us focus on how we build, inspire and lead our teams and how to bring out the best from our employees.
With his guidance and support, we were able to develop procedures that improved our employee relations and engagement.
Tom provided individual coaching to our new managers and our HR department, supporting them as they addressed performance-related issues, recruiting, onboarding and employee-related challenges.
Tom’s many years of experience as a company executive, civic leader, and leadership coach was invaluable to our team. We continue to benefit from his
coaching and support.Laurie Mrvos
Hoosier Pattern, Inc
Decatur, Indiana
“Working with Tom and the Harris Human Resources Group has greatly helped our organization in strategically improving our human resources systems"
Marcia Haaff - President/CEO
The Lutheran Foundation
Fort Wayne, Indiana
“Working with Tom and the ActionCOACH programs, we have been able to grow our business by improving our systems and focusing on strategic initiatives.”
Theresa Kacmarik - Maureen Madden Founders of The Cookie Cottage
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Current Job Openings
We always strive for the best.
Harris HRG is always looking for talent for our clients. Let us know if you're wanting to step up in your career.
We want to hear from you
To get started on your free assessment, call us at 260-492-6060 or complete the form below.
We look forward to helping you and your company continue to prosper.3492 B Stellhorn Rd,
Ft Wayne, IN 46815
Mailing Address:
PO Box 85113
Fort Wayne, IN 46885260-416-3404 opt. 2
© 2018 - Harris Human Resources Group, Inc.